The Parish Church of St John the Evangelist - Mill s
Street, Derby


funeral candle

Losing a loved one is a traumatic time for everyone affected.  At those painful and difficult times of life the church is here to help and support you. When a loved one dies we are here to hold you in your grief and guide you through, so you feel you have said the best goodbye you can. Many people value having a Christian funeral service, during which those who have passed away are commended to almighty God, our loving creator and redeemer.

We are also here after all the busyness of the arrangements are over, when everything hits home, to help you experience the love God has for you, and those you love but see no longer.

If you would like a funeral to take place at John’s, or if you would like the Vicar to take a service at a crematorium, then do let your funeral directors know.