The Parish Church of St John the Evangelist - Mill s
Street, Derby

Children's Church

We meet in the Social Room each Sunday. We do sometimes work in the church for the whole service as sometimes we help out with the sermon! We are currently a small mixed group, with a mix of different ages. Whilst the very little ones can play with a selection of toys and join in if they wish the older ones take an active part in learning about church and about the Bible.

Most weeks we look at the gospel reading that the congregation hear – reading it in our own bibles and talking about what it means, and in some cases having to look things up in the Bible dictionary or other books we have.

Using the gospel as the theme we then do quizzes and activities connected with it and sometimes make something to take home as a reminder of what we have learnt. But we also look at things such as the history of our church, and all about St John. We choose what we are going to do each term together

When we have a special festival such as Epiphany or Candlemass for example we will take this as a theme and again look into what it means and making things. 

In 2019 some of us did a Handmade Chocolate Stall as one of our ‘talents’ to raise money for our heating fund. We also did a tree in the Christmas Tree Festival – choosing the theme of ‘Follow the Star’ – with the kings looking for the Baby Jesus. We took part in the story of the nativity on Christmas Eve.

New youngsters are always welcome to join us.

All the people who help with the children’s church and crèche are DBS checked. A first aider is also always on hand in an emergency.