The Parish Church of St John the Evangelist - Mill s
Street, Derby

Conditions of use and hire

“The User” is the Individual, Group, or Organisation that has booked to use the Church Premises and shall include its members (officials, members and persons associated with it for the purposes of its use of the Premises)

“The Premises” shall mean St. John’s church building, including vestries to which it is given access, Social Room, lobby and toilets, and the whole of the grounds within its perimeter

“The PCC” shall mean St. John’s Parochial Church Council and any member of it and any person duly appointed by it to oversee the use and hire of the Premises.

  1. The PCC shall allow the User the use of the Premises on the terms set out (and agreed) in the Booking Form on condition that the User observes the conditions and requirements set out and referred to in these Conditions.
  2. The User shall not allow any other person, persons, Group or Organisation use of the Premises during its period of use and hire.
  3. The User shall satisfy itself that the Premises are appropriate for its proposed use and accepts the Premises and its fixtures and fittings with full knowledge of its and their condition.
  4. The User shall observe the Guidance Notes and Emergency Evacuation Procedures and Requirements, copies of which accompany these Conditions.
  5. The User shall conform to any specific requirements and arrangements requested of it by the PCC in relation to its use of the Premises.
  6. The User shall give way to the use of the Premises (all or part) by the PCC for the normal work of St. John’s Church during the period of hire and use.
    1. The User shall have in force an adequate insurance policy for all legal liabilities which could arise, including death or personal injury, to third parties (including employees and volunteers of St. John’s and occupiers of the Premises) or damage to the church building and its fixtures and fittings and to the property and possessions of third parties, arising out of its use, activities and occupation, of the Premises. The PCC reserves the right to inspect the Policy and retain a copy at any time.
    2. The User shall be responsible to the PCC for any loss or damage caused by act or neglect of any person associated with the User with its use, activities and occupation of the Premises and shall pay the cost of making good such loss or damage.
    3. The User is to provide a copy of a risk assessment carried out for their event. This needs to include aspects of the safeguarding of children, young people, and vulnerable adults if appropriate.
    4. The User shall indemnify and keep indemnified the PCC against all losses, claims, demands, actions, proceedings, damages, costs and expenses, or any other liability arising in any way from its use, activities and occupation of the Premises or any breach of these conditions.
    5. The User shall not do anything, or fail to do anything, which might constitute a breach of any statutory requirements affecting The PCC or which might vitiate in whole or in part the User’s own Public Liability Insurance Policy.
  7. The User shall not use any additional electrical or lighting equipment without the permission of the PCC, and it shall be a precursor of such permission that the equipment has a valid PAT test certificate during its use on the Premises.
  8. The User shall provide sufficient first aid cover (equipment and personnel) for its members (notwithstanding the availability of basic first aid equipment on the Premises)
  9. In the event of alcohol being sold during the use of the Premises (whether purchased on the Premises or included within the price of the entrance or programme), the User shall obtain the necessary license for the event
  10. For events with a choir and / or orchestra, the orchestral conductor, choir leader or concert manager (or designated organiser/coordinator appointed by the User) shall be responsible for the safety of the orchestra / choir members in case of fire or other emergency and will be briefed in advance by the PCC.
  11. All personal effects (possessions) of the User (whether individually or collectively owned or otherwise in its possession) shall be stored in places indicated by the PCC. The PCC shall not be liable for the theft or damage to any such possessions, wherever so stored during the use of the Premises
  12. The User shall provide stewards to be responsible for the control of the audience in the event of an emergency. The PCC shall advise on the number of stewards required based on the anticipated number of occupants of the Premises (including the User and audience). The User shall make the stewards aware of the Emergency Evacuation Procedures and Requirements notes
    1. The User shall not move any of the fixtures and fittings on the Premises without the permission of the PCC, and any such items so moved shall be returned to their original place by the User before vacating the Premises
    2. Any staging requisites (including the provision of chairs) must be discussed with and approved by the PCC prior to the use of the Premises. The installation of any staging facilities provided by the User shall be supervised by the PCC. Any staging facilities provided by the PCC will be installed only by the PCC or its appointed persons
  13. No smoking is permitted anywhere on the Premises
  14. No animals (other than guide dogs) are permitted on the Premises
  15. The PCC reserves the right to terminate the use of the Premises at any time as a result on non-compliance with these Conditions, and the PCC shall not be liable for any consequential financial loss to the Uses as a result of such termination.