The Parish Church of St John the Evangelist - Mill s
Street, Derby

Emergency evacuation procedures and requirements

(To be given to all Stewards)

Familiarise yourself with the layout of the church

The evacuation notice

(to be read out from the pulpit before the commencement of all events)

“In the unlikely event of an emergency requiring the evacuation of the church building, you are all to remain seated until a steward directs you to leave. Unless an escape route is clearly unusable, the general exit routes are as follows. All of you behind me will exit either through the clergy vestry door there (point to it) or the choir vestry door here (point to it). You below me here will either go left through this door here (point to it ) or along the south aisle over there (point to it). You the audience will exit through the main doors you came in or the side porches as directed by the stewards. Once outside assemble on the lawn.”

The exit strategy

All personnel located in the sanctuary ie beyond the Altar Rail will exit through the CLERGY VESTRY DOOR (immediately to your right as you face forward to the audience / congregation) and out of the building through the back door

All personnel located in the choir stall area will exit through the CHOIR VESTRY DOOR (to your right under the organ as you face forward to the audience / congregation) and out of the building through the back door

The Organist will exit down the organ-loft staircase or along the gallery to the front of the church and down the stairs to the side porch

The Orchestra or Performers located at the bottom of the chancel steps in front of the chancel wall to the right (as you face forward to the audience / congregation) will exit through the CHOIR VESTRY DOOR (immediately to your right under the organ as you face forward to the audience / congregation) and out through the back door.

The Orchestra or Performers located at the bottom of the chancel steps in front of the chancel wall to the left (as you face forward to the audience / congregation) will exit to the LEFT HAND SIDE AISLE (as you face forward to the audience / congregation) and on to the MAIN ENTRANCE DOORS and / or SIDE PORCH DOOR.

All personnel located in the main body of the church will exit by the MAIN ENTRANCE DOORS and the SIDE PORCH DOORS

All personnel located in the galleries will exit via the STAIRCASE and SIDE PORCH DOORS

Everyone assemble on the lawn outside

Number of stewards (Fire marshals)

Where the audience / congregation does not exceed 60, there will be 3 Stewards required:

  • 1 to open the main doors and to remain at the doors to usher people out:
  • 2 to guide everyone to the relevant exit doors and ensure the building is clear (including vestries, lobby, toilets and social room).

Where the audience / congregation exceeds 60 there will be 5 Stewards required:

  • 3 to open each of the main doors and the side porch doors and to remain at the exits to usher people out:
  • 2 to guide everyone to the relevant exit doors and ensure the building is clear (including vestries, lobby, toilets and social room

Emergency services

The person in charge of the event (or any PCC appointed steward or person appointed by the User) shall call the emergency services as deemed appropriate. The postcode is DE1 3HZ (Bridge Street) or DE1 1DY (Mill Street)

Other emergency contacts

In the event of an incident (emergency or otherwise) occurring during the period of hire and use, or any urgent matter that needs dealing with, where a PCC member or appointed person is not in attendance, the User shall contact one of the following persons:

  • Mary Bucknell – Church Warden 07758315995
  • Andy Bloor – Church Warden
  • Claire Warsop – Parish Safeguarding Officer 07870132201