The Parish Church of St John the Evangelist - Mill s
Street, Derby

Guidance notes

These Notes are to assist the User with its responsibilities and requirements set out in the Conditions of Use and Hire but shall nevertheless form part of those Conditions. Most of the Notes will be familiar to the User and to a large degree are self evident

It is the Policy of the PCC to provide a safe working environment for people entering and using St. John’s Church Premises (the Premises)

Once the booking has been confirmed, the Organisation shall deal with any person duly appointed by the PCC (who will then have the authority of the PCC) to oversee all matters prior to, and, the use of the Premises.

Anyone using or hiring the Premises must abide by the PCC’s Health and Safety Policy (copy available on request)

By law, smoking is not permitted anywhere within the church building, vestries, lobbies and Social Room. .By desirability and direction of the PCC, it is not permitted within the church grounds

The User shall acquaint itself with the following Emergency matters:

  1. the location of Fire Exits and that they are clear and unlocked during the event
  2.  the location of Fire Extinguishers and the method of operation
  3.  the Emergency Evacuation Procedures and Requirements Notes and the actions to be taken in the event of fire or emergency evacuation
  4.  the first aid facilities

Where the User is using the Premises for an event (eg concert, but not rehearsals) at the request of the PCC as part of its own Church activities, the PCC shall take charge of the provision of Stewards from its own members for the event but, if appropriate or deemed necessary, will ask the User to provide additional Stewards to assist during the event

Where the User is using the Premises for an event (eg concert and rehearsals) for its own benefit or at its request (notwithstanding an indirect benefit to the PCC, financial or otherwise) the User shall take charge of the provision of Stewards from its own members during its use, but at least one member of, or person appointed by, the PCC shall be in attendance during the period of use to offer assistance and co-ordination

Any incident resulting in injury must be recorded in the Accident Book located in the Social Room lobby and the PCC informed as soon as possible

Any use of fire extinguishers, (deliberate or accidental) must be reported to the PCC as soon as possible

Any damage caused by the User to the Premises or any fixtures and fittings must be reported to the PCC

Any electrical equipment brought on to the premises and using the electricity supply of the PCC (ie the church’s supply sockets) must have a valid PAT test certificate and its use must have prior approval of the PCC.

There is no telephone on the Premises. Users will need to rely on their own mobile ‘phones in the event of an emergency.

The Evacuation Notice on the Emergency Evacuation Procedures and Requirements is to be read out just prior to the start of the event (and at rehearsals if appropriate) by a person appointed by the User or by the PCC (to be confirmed before the event)

In the event of an incident (emergency or otherwise) occurring during the period of hire and use, or any urgent matter that needs dealing with, where a PCC member or appointed person is not in attendance, the User shall contact one of the following persons:

  • Mary Bucknell – Church Warden 07758315995
  • Andy Bloor – Cburch Warden
  • Claire Warsop – Parish Safeguarding officer 07870132201

and the Emergency Services (if appropriate)!

The PCC has a Performing Rights Society Licence and the hire fee includes an element towards the cost of this licence

The hire fee will include a contribution towards the heating of any part of the Premises used by the Organisation during its use.

Car parking is not available at St. John’s. There is on-road parking in Mill Street, Bridge Street and Agard Street. Vehicles may pull up outside the gates in Mill Street for the purposes of loading and unloading equipment. There may be an opportunity for limited space off-street parking by prior arrangement with the PCC.