The Parish Church of St John the Evangelist - Mill s
Street, Derby



  • 09:45 – Sung Eucharist with Children’s groups. A service of prayer, singing, holy communion and blessing. Our young people have their own group and join us to receive communion towards the end of the service
  • 09:45 – (Second Sunday of the month) Communion for All Ages. A slightly shorter, more interactive service where all ages worship together. A great place to start if you are new to church!
  • 18:30 – Choral Evensong (first Sunday of the month). A traditional prayer service led by the choir.


  • 14:30-16:00 – Community Tea
    Every 2nd Wednesday of the month – Family Friendly
    Come and enjoy a cup of tea, some cake and a chat. There is also always something extra, e.g. a quiz, bingo, beetle drive etc.


  • 10:00-12:00 – Community drop-in
    Every 1st Saturday of the month – Family Friendly
    An invitation to the local community to ‘drop-in’ for a coffee and a chat and meet members of the Church and possibly even your neighbours!